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Re: [ga] ALAC on ccNSO

On 04:08 07/05/03, Joop Teernstra said:
>How do you see the best way for the users to get representation into the 
>"cc mechanism?"
>A hundred separate user-efforts for each individual cc management?
>Or the CIRA-model or the .uk model as a template?

Dear Joop,
as you may have noticed there are 190 different states, constitutions, 
flags and 5000 languages for 60 types of scripts, millions of names, and 
billions of people. When they relates in many different ways that makes a 
zillions of potential networks.

Only ICANN think that an electronic support of that relations can have a 
singl model (contract) and can be centralized. There is a need probably for 
several millions of TLDs and millions of root systems for a probable 600 
billions user agents. ICANN is a technically outdated concept with the only 
political purpose to delay the new generation networks, the time the US 
industry may adapt to a new world evolution it has some problems to grasp 
because for the first time the USA become world dependant. In this ICANN 
plays its normal role of an US Network agency.

To give it more importance than any other national agency (what he current 
concept of ccTLD hides from Govs) would be a grave disservice to your 
country (to each of our countrie) and to the global development of the 
Network. The internet is by nature the interconnexion of thousands of 
networks (ISP, corporate, etc.). It cannot be ruled. It can only be served.

Let not confuse the real issue (the satsifaction of the users trhough 
network services) and the politicking of a few to get money, power, fame, 
fun, etc. through Joe Sims' baby. You know that I alsways rooted the 
failure of the IDNO in its internationalism. Networks are multilateral.

An eample today is he difficulty of ICANN with IDN .... insteal of multiDNs

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