[nc-deletes] Draft Final Report
Hello all: Because I spent much of today traveling, this ends up being a day late. Hopefully we'll still have time to get it finalized. A summary of changes: 1) Inserted public comment notes. I accepted most of Tim's edits and added a few sentences of my own with regards to Danny Younger's comment. 2) Changed the recommendations in section 3.1 as we discussed on Tuesday's call, and also added some commentary to the discussion of Issue 1 in order to describe the new requirement about RGP pricing. 3) Added commentary about the registrars desire for auto-renew to be moved to the end of the 45 day grace period to the discussion of Issue #3. 4) Modified the voting section. Please let me know if you see any problems with the new draft, so we can get them incorporated immediately. If not, hopefully we can vote and get this published right away. Thanks everyone for all your time and energy getting us this far, Jordyn Deletes Draft Final Report.doc Deletes Draft Final Report.doc Deletes Draft Final Report.pdf