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Re: [nc-org] Registrars and restrictions on org marketing

what incentive would a registrar have in the future to try to "push" someone
into a "dot.org" domain name now that there are "viable"  alternatives to
com & net. in the root ?
most of the parties I know who registered dot org's who are not
"non-profits"  did so due to the "lack" of relevant names which existed at
the time they registered.

If the new "registry mgt" entity does an effective job of "branding" the
".org" tld in the future there will most probably be no real desire to
register what would be viewed as "non-conforming" names as they can find
relevant , and most importantly , more effective names in the new TLD's like
"info" or "biz"

ken stubbs

Milton Mueller comments:
> OK, so what does that mean? Exactly how does that translate
> into a specific registrar's web site? I can think of a thousand
> ways in which the intent of the policy might be subverted
> while nominally conforming to it if the registrar wasn't
> cooperative. And who is going to spend day and night
> checking all the web sites of all the resellers and
> registrars?
> On the other hand, if a registrar sells a registration to a
> wholly commercial site and it is challenged via a new
> dispute policy, then BANG it's gone, the registrar loses
> the account, and their incentives are adjusted accordingly.
> The latter is much more efficient and effective.

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