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Re: [nc-org] Registrars and restrictions on org marketing

Registrars might have some incentive to
push .org if someone is paranoid about
controlling "their" name in all TLDs, but
I agree that this incentive will diminish
over time as the name space grows.

Fundamentally, I think we are in 
agreement, Ken.

We must not overlook the simple fact
that there are 10 times as many registrations
in .com as there are in .org, so a significant
amount of user-based self-selection is 
already evident. And as Ken points out,
there are two new open TLDs for
accommodation of commercial registrations.

>>> "Ken Stubbs" <kstubbs@digitel.net> 12/18/01 02:47PM >>>

what incentive would a registrar have in the future to try to "push" someone
into a "dot.org" domain name now that there are "viable"  alternatives to
com & net. in the root ?
most of the parties I know who registered dot org's who are not
"non-profits"  did so due to the "lack" of relevant names which existed at
the time they registered.

If the new "registry mgt" entity does an effective job of "branding" the
".org" tld in the future there will most probably be no real desire to
register what would be viewed as "non-conforming" names as they can find
relevant , and most importantly , more effective names in the new TLD's like
"info" or "biz"

ken stubbs

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