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Re: [nc-org] Registrars and restrictions on org marketing

On Tue, 18 Dec 2001, at 14:26 [=GMT-0500], Milton Mueller wrote:

> >>> Marc Schneiders <marc@schneiders.org> 12/18/01 01:06PM >>>
> > It escapes me why you give in now. 
> MM ===>
> My judgment is that we are not giving up anything, except
> perhaps lots of expensive hassles. 
> We say in our marketing policy, "thou shalt not encourage 
> duplicate com and org registrations."
> OK, so what does that mean? Exactly how does that translate
> into a specific registrar's web site? I can think of a thousand 
> ways in which the intent of the policy might be subverted
> while nominally conforming to it if the registrar wasn't
> cooperative. And who is going to spend day and night
> checking all the web sites of all the resellers and
> registrars? 
> On the other hand, if a registrar sells a registration to a
> wholly commercial site and it is challenged via a new
> dispute policy, then BANG it's gone, the registrar loses
> the account, and their incentives are adjusted accordingly.
> The latter is much more efficient and effective.

If I understand you, this is what I am all for: Registrars (including
their resellers) who frustrate the marketing policy get thrown out,
after due procedure, but really. Not after 5 years or something.


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