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[registrars] Draft Registrar Constituency Bylaws and Rules of Procedures

Dear Registrars,

Per the message sent last week, the bylaws working group has drafted an amended set of bylaws.  The goals of the amendment are: to improve process in the constituency, ensure that the Constituency is governed in a predictable, fair and transparent way, make the Constituency more effective and efficient, and conform to the new ICANN structure.  In conjunction with the bylaws, the group has also drafted a set of procedures for Constituency votes on elections and motions.  The procedures are too complex to include in the bylaws, and therefore are being broken out into their own document.

The group had proposed the following schedule for reviewing and finalizing these documents:

1) First draft of the new bylaws and rules of procedure published online at http://www.byte.org/rc-bylaws-wg/drafts/recent/

2) Teleconference with all Registrars to explain the bylaws - propose holding the call in conjunction with the Constituency meeting in Rio

3) Suggestions for revisions taken and considered by the group through March 31.

4) Final draft of bylaws and voting documents issued by 4/4

5) 4/4 - 4/11 Quiet Period for Constituency Consideration of documents

6) 4/11 - 4/25 Period for Proposing Amendments

7) 4/25 - 5/2 Quiet Period for Constituency Consideration of documents and amendments

8) 5/2 - 5/9 Vote Bot on Documents and Amendments

Please let us know if you have any questions or comments by posting them to the list.


Elana Broitman
575 Eighth Avenue
New York, NY 10018
Phone (212) 798-9215
Fax   (212) 629-9309

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