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RE: [registrars] Whois


Part of the purpose of next weeks call is to ensure that we have a
dialog about the issues based on facts, not rhetoric. To ensure that the
record is clear - I contacted the business constituency after
discussions with Brian and Elana had made it clear that there was a
willingness to drag the GNSO in this direction. 

Both Brian and I had separate conversations with members of the IPC in
DC at the Twomey welcoming reception that made it clear that there was
an opportunity for registrars to take a positive step forward and
prevent an important issue from spiralling out of control in a negative
direction. Since then, outreach has occurred on a number of levels - by
me, by Elana, by Brian, by others - but only after the constituency
heard about the plan first yesterday afternoon. The response since then
has been excellent - from all corners of the GNSO.

This isn't anyone's pet project or power-play. It's a recognition that
we need to get back to the table and have an adult conversation about
the issues. It's a bunch of GNSO members trying to get together on an
issue of interest to the GNSO. It's the community looking out for itself
so no one else thinks they have to. This is *our* issue.

No one should have the perception that this is inside baseball - its an
attempt to avoid it. Its transparent and inclusive. Without a grassroots
effort to put a stake through some of the softer aspects of the issue,
alleviate some of the policy development pressures and put all of the
players on the same page - we're screwed and someone else gets to write
the rules of our game.

It's a big world out there folks, lets not get stuck in our own navels.

As I mentioned, more details are forthcoming as the moving parts get
nailed down more specifically. Questions are always welcomed.


"There's a fine line between fishing and standing on the shore like an
- Steven Wright

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