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[comments-wgb] Fwd: .WEB (please read)

> From rickwilson@execs.com Mon May  1 01:31 MET 2000
> From: rickwilson@execs.com
> X-Sender: flex@holonet.net
> X-Priority: 1 (Highest)
> Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2000 16:43:04 -0700
> To: rickwilson@execs.com
> Subject: .WEB (please read)
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> How can a company trademark an extension? I heard that .web is trademarked
> by webtld.com
> This is terrible.
> What would happen if back in 1993 , Network Solutions trademarked the .com ?
> How can a potential customer feel secure about purchasing a .web domain
> name , if the extension is owned by another company?
> The .web Domains should be for THE WORLD to own , not for any one company.
> There should be many places to register a .web , not just one. We do not
> want another NetSol Monopoly on our hands!
> .WEB is a community , not a trademark owned by one company! There may be
> hundreds or thousands of disputes, by companies registering a .web , only
> to find out they will be spending MILLIONS of dollars on marketing
> campaigns, infringing on someone ELSES trademark!
> What will become of the .WEB world if this is allowed to happen ?!!! I
> believe a NEW entity should become the .WEB Registry (an unbiased entity)
> ... one that does not have a stake in .web either way. Only then will you
> be able to avoid undue hassles.
> RW