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Re: .NU Domain Has a Governance Model

Let's not go overboard here;-)...

If you convert every business model issue into a governance issue, who
is going to take vare of business while everyone is busy governing?

If I read you correctly, you think that Government shoudl decide all
business models because business doing it for them selves is somehow
an evil idea.

Well, OK... If you wish;-)...\Dream on...\Stef

>From your message Wed, 03 Feb 1999 22:56:21 -0500:
}Einar Stefferud a =E9crit:
}> In short, I do not see this as a Goverance Issue aws much as that of a
}> Business Model Issue.
}If you reduce TLD management to a "business model", you are denying its
}social relevance. No model in which business is the only criterion is goi=
}to be accepted. You should widen your scope and admit the equal relevance=
} of
}government and public interest in TLD management, and change the name of
}your model. By continually refering to "business models", you isolate
}yourself and your ideas.