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RE: Draft New Draft


we have been through this <em>ad nauseam</em>, and Javier was party to the

In particular does it annoy me that someone who only a day or two ago
mentioned that he knows what living in a dictatureship means, insists that
governments must have control over the ccTLDs. There are governments
around that are less then benevolent... 

What the current ccTLD operators want and need is Due Process. 

Some of us have put in 10 years worth of effort into getting our country
connected. Some of us do this on a non profit basis. Some of us do it on a
commercial basis. Some of us are even worried about media freedom. 


It is very clear that, no matter what Fujitsu Spain thinks about this, the
ccTLDs are not government property, and have never been. 

It is very clear that they must not be.

Where were the governments and industry when the ccTLD managers went and
did it, anyway?

Again, Due Process.
