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RE: [wg-c] Straw Vote


In addition, WG-C should request that ICANN re-impose the requirements that
.com, .net and .org should be returned to their status as "controlled"
domain names, with .com exclusively available for commercial entities, .net
limited to network providers and .org for noncommercial and individuals.
Then use .US for a wider range of controlled TLDs, such as .law.us,
.cpa.us, .med.us etc.

While the intellectual neatness of such an action can
be appreciated, this is not OSI-land.  The purpose
of DNS was to distribute the task of people selecting
names for their machines and maintenance zones, not
(as was the OSI DNS) a rigid top-down structure for
parsing the world's jurisdictional ontology.  The
likelihood of something like this happening is an
approximation of zero.

But the real question truly is - "why do we need more gTLDs?"

What is the benefit to Internet users? We must very clearly state these
reasons and the benefits to justify this process.

The answer lies Peggy Karp's original RFC in 1971 that proposed
the notion of giving names to machines.  Within the bounds of
the technology and applicable existing law, anyone should be
able to create whatever machine name expression and associated
maintenance zone they want.  Anything else arguably will not pass
judicial muster.
