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[wg-review] Resumption of Review

I believe we should work hard at 
keeping US involvement and interest in the ICANN 
high. However, I also believe America must come to 
terms with the reality that the Internet has 
become an international Public Domain... where 
people can meet, exchange, and relate without 
having to produce passports!!!   


Dead on the money!  Both counts, good job getting it started, and strong
need stay involved.  But like so many other areas, the US has to be made to
participate, strongly, not 'run the show'. 


Personally speaking, I don't think it would be 
prudent to allow the net to disintegrate into 
another "zone of inluence" politic


That would be anarchy, and would severly delay the growth and development
that cooperative rollout of new tech, features, and more that I don't even
conceive yet, but others do.


Actually, I was rather taken aback at the apparent 
ignorance of the American legislators who were 
chairing the Conress hearings.  In light of this, 
I think all heretofore efforts at Education and 
Outreach have definitely been seriously lacking 
and must be entirely reevaluated, and revamped. 



True, but not new to Congress.  They aren't at all ignorant of manipulation,
backroom dealing, etc.  They also are not shy about using the 'sledgehammer'
of legislation to 'fix' things.


Enlivened education and outreach, along with 
clear, cogent descriptions and definitions of 
processes, services, and product, for a global 
market... nothing less will do.  


Totally true


If ICANN fails, 
what will make the son-of-ICANN any more 



Hopefully, the lessons available in the failure itself.  Of course, one has
to hope there are those who are aware of the famous statement that if we
don't know history we are bound to repeat it.

Yo, Felipe (I, Phillip)
Phil King
Butte America
(The Richest Hill On Earth)

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