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Thanks for support - Re: [ga] GA Chair and Co-Chair - Re: NC representatives appear non-effective - Re: [ga] DNSO GA RESTRUCTURING

  • To: "Gendron, Michael (MIS)" <GendronM@mail.ccsu.edu>
  • Subject: Thanks for support - Re: [ga] GA Chair and Co-Chair - Re: NC representatives appear non-effective - Re: [ga] DNSO GA RESTRUCTURING
  • From: Derek Conant <dconant@dnsga.org>
  • Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 07:56:55 -0700
  • CC: ga@dnso.org, ga@dnsga.org
  • Organization: Domain Name System General Assembly (DNSGA) http://dnsga.org
  • References: <C1B90D1E2322D411A36800A0C9E11AF3045D61CA@mail.ccsu.edu>
  • Sender: owner-ga-full@dnso.org

Thank you for your support regarding the GA Directorship suggestion.

The reason I suggested the 2 month term limits for GA Directors may be
apparent.  I will be clearer with my reasoning herewith.  In the interim, the 2
month term limits allow for GA members to review the GA Directors' performance.
It may be that the GA Directors are not replaced.  However, it may be necessary
to replace some or all of the Directors.  1 week out of 2 months should not be
demanding upon the GA group and we should be flexible enough to accommodate
this.  The review process also allows the GA to be in the practice of being
flexible, efficient and effective at forming resolutions and positions.

The GA Chair and Co-Chair may be on for 6 or 12 months.  However, a majority
decision by Directors may allow for replacing the GA Chair and Co-Chair before
their 6 or 12 month terms expire.  This mechanism will maintain trust and
accountability, and maintain the integrity of the system as the GA grows and
evolves.  Later this may all change as the GA matures.

We need to move forward.

I will be a Director if am supported by GA active participants.  Who else will
be a Director if they are supported by GA active participants?

Derek Conant
DNSGA President and Chairman

"Gendron, Michael (MIS)" wrote:

> Derek and all:
> I have to agree with Derek's assessment that we need more structure, and I
> think that his idea of a directorship makes a lot of sense.  Unless the
> chair has a defined group to direct he/she is at a loss. I disagree with a 2
> month term as that is too short to get anything substantial done - perhaps 6
> or 12 month makes more sense.
> I met Mr. Younger for the first time in Stockholm.  I was impressed by his
> drive, motivation and sincerity.  Lets support him.  I am confused by those
> that expect him to constantly post to the list.  There is a lesson to be
> learned here - fewer more meaningful posts that are concise are what we need
> - not lengthy posts that allow one to rant.  I teach my students that email
> should short and direct.
> Michael Gendron.. Ph.D.
> Associate Professor
> School of Business
>  -----Original Message-----
> From:   Derek Conant [mailto:dconant@dnsga.org]
> Sent:   Wednesday, June 13, 2001 9:26 AM
> To:     William X. Walsh
> Cc:     ga@dnso.org; ga@dnsga.org
> Subject:        [ga] GA Chair and Co-Chair - Re: NC representatives appear
> non-effective -  Re: [ga] DNSO GA  RESTRUCTURING
> I would like to believe that Mr. Younger is sitting back clearing his head
> while monitoring the GA process.  I met him and I think he is a good guy
> with good intentions and he wants the GA to succeed.  I cannot spend all
> of my time doing this or I would go crazy (you can see the crazy ones out
> there) and be in the poor house.  Remember that most people participating
> in this process are doing it for free and with money their own money.
> Time is money.
> I disagree that the GA Chair can handle all of this and you may have
> missed my point regarding the necessity of the 7 other representative or
> GA Directors.  This discussion is not about 7 people telling us what we
> need to talk about and to
> do Mr. Younger's job.
> The GA directorships will give the GA a solid showing and they may provide
> the necessary motivation for interested parties to more effectively
> coordinate.  Coordination is what this GA is lacking, not leadership.  I
> believe there is only so much the Chair can do here for free and with what
> little coordination the Chair has to work with.
> The Chair and Co-Chair in this case cannot just snap their fingers and
> demand order and productivity.  Therefore, the GA directorship provides a
> stable platform to maintain the momentum of the GA and its ability to
> produce valid positions from the constructive information they are charged
> to review from GA members.  This saves the GA from people who seem to drop
> out because they need a break and maintains order and direction.  And,
> this saves the GA from distraction.
> If we sit around chewing on Mr. Younger's ass were not going to get
> anything accomplished.  A GA directorship will cause more order and
> productivity here than anything else the GA has produced thus far.
> We need to move forward.  Instead of canning Mr. Younger right now, I
> suggest that we move forward by nominating 7 GA Directors to take the helm
> together with the GA Chair and Co-Chair.  Let the GA Directors decide if
> the GA Chair and/or Co-Chair need to step down through some GA motion to
> the NC.  I suggest again that this is not for us individuals to decide
> because we are not organized, qualified nor anointed with such powers.  We
> should leave those GA position decisions to a stable GA Directorship is
> what I'm saying here.
> I am trying to be constructive rather than destructive here.  I am trying
> to move this thing forward.
> Derek Conant
> DNSGA President and Chairman
> "William X. Walsh" wrote:
> > Hello Derek,
> >
> > The problem is that Danny hasn't even made more than a token attempt
> > to guide discussion on this list.
> >
> > His post to the ga-org list showed promise that maybe he was actually
> > starting to understand how to do his job, but that hope quickly faded,
> > it seemed he pulled a hit and run.
> >
> > We do not need 7 people to tell us what we need to talk about and to
> > do Danny's job for him.
> >
> > What we need is for Danny to either step up to the plate and act like
> > a chair and to be an instrument of consensus, or to ask the Names
> > Council to accept his resignation and make way for the GA to select
> > someone who can fill that role.  Our chair should be guiding
> > discussion, prioritizing subjects of discussion and debate, and
> > helping us by pulling out the points where we agree and using them to
> > help bring us about to points of consensus on the subject.
> >
> > Jonathan Weinberg's leadership in NC Workgroup C on gTLDs is an
> > excellent example of how to do that, in what was probably the most
> > hotly contested issue in the DNSO to date.
> >
> > We need a chair who will lead us, not come in every few days and
> > preach more about dismantlement, and chastise people for not
> > accomplish anything when the real cause is his failure to be a
> > presence on this list that coordinates and works with us.
> >
> > And it doesn't take a lot of time to do that.  Again I hold Jonathan
> > up as an example of that.
> >
> > The co-chair should be stepping in and assisting him in doing that,
> > and helping him to be a stabilizing presence here and in helping bring
> > about consensus on the issues that need to be addressed (and that
> > means recognizing when his own agenda is not going to be adopted and
> > be willing to set it aside).
> >
> > --
> > Best regards,
> > William X Walsh
> > mailto:william@userfriendly.com
> > Owner, Userfriendly.com
> > Userfriendly.com Domains
> > The most advanced domain lookup tool on the net
> --
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