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Re: [ga] Reply to William Walsh

Hello Danny,

Wednesday, June 13, 2001, 3:32:07 AM, Danny Younger wrote:

> Hello William,

> Your incessant droning about what the Chairs should and should not be doing
> is becoming rather odious.  Patrick has politely asked you , "whether you
> see a place for working groups with the General Assembly?  Or do you see the
> whole thing as a single "chat room" as Eric has called it?"  Instead of
> giving him a direct answer you choose to pursue this unending litany.

There is no answer to that question, Danny, because it is predicated
on the assumption that those are the only two options.

I made that point quite clearly.  I do not believe that those are the
only two options.  With a proper leadership, there is a third option,
a productive GA list.

> If you are not willing to participate in a meaningful fashion, or to provide
> direct answers to direct questions when politely asked, perhaps it is time
> that you should consider resigning from this list.

Spare me, Danny. Until you step up and become the leader you should
be, I will be here, a thorn in your side.  The day you start to show
that you are becoming that leader, that day you will instead have my
undivided support, as you had my vote for this position.

I won't bother reporting your personal attack to the abuse team.

We've seem abundantly how they handle complaints about those in their
own ranks.

Best regards,
William X Walsh
Owner, Userfriendly.com
Userfriendly.com Domains
The most advanced domain lookup tool on the net

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