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Re: [ga] Re: ASO + PSO = TSO Technical Supporting Organisation

Dear Erica,
On 05:13 16/06/01, erica said:
>Patrick said:
>  > I much prefer a three-way split between supply, demand and technical
> > > infrastructure (such as ISPs and telcos).  That's natural and works
> > > well in Australia.
>I'm not sure where this works in Australia, but in my experience the
>technical is generally seen as part of the supply side.  Demand side
>identifies the outcomes required or needed, but the ways and means of
>achieving  outcomes are the responsibility of supply side.

Experience from Minitel sucess in France and failure in the USA shown us 
also that the main point is that socialy interactive network systems are 
mainly lead by the content - where everyone is a producer and a supplier - 
and the hosting innovation - where in most of the case the supplier 
innovation and sometime market leadership come from smart consumers turned 
into entrepreneurs. What we believe to be the supply is the infrastructure. 
Dennis Jennings' mistakes was not to analyse that (however his day to day 
Irish infrastructure development experience with the EEC should have helped 

I do not know if Patrick is right about Australia, but he is certainly 
right about the split he proposes.

It would make much sense to retain in the DNSO only the g/ccTLDs, ISP, DNS 
systems developers, Telcos, Search Engines and Portals (all those 
contributing to the user access and identification). This would create a 
three poled infrastructure entity.

Then to get all the others as two, possibly three user oriented SOs: 
Individual Users, Organized Users and possibly Local Users (User being 
understood in an iCANN way: i.e. a user of the nets). Each of the SOs 
electing 1 BoD Members each year. IDNH would then be a natural leading 
"constituency" of an IUSO.

This Patrick's proposition conforms and really enhances the model we 
devised at icann-fra.

In such a model of ours the ccTLDs as NICs and TLD are the Members of 
aniCANN understood as the Internet Community Association for Names and 
Numbers. The iCANN root is then only its Member ressource  directory. Then 
the iCANN may decide to be only one of the RSCs (Root Service Centers) in 
accepting as members only legacy and selected TLDs, or to be the integral 
Internet Community forum in being open to all the TLDs.

Thank you Patrick.

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