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Re: [ga] Edelman's report on BIZ

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Milton Mueller" <Mueller@syr.edu>
> But if the registrations were made afterwards, in full knowledge of 
> the fact that they will not be in the ICANN root and may even conflict
> with a much more powerful and global business, I am wondering what
> conclusion to draw. 

It might be helpful to have some understanding of how DNS works.
It is unfortunate that URL forwarding and domain name parking have
removed users from the details. In the past, users were more familiar
that an SLD.TLD registration meant that they supplied 2 (two) nameservers
to be handle that zone. Ultimately, the goal is to have DNS queries
for names under SLD.TLD to be routed to those 2 nameservers.

Does it matter how the 2 SLD.TLD nameservers are located ?
Are TLD Clusters required ?....to locate the 2 SLD.TLD nameservers ?
If one asks one TLD Cluster and gets the same answer as another
TLD Cluster, does it matter ?

One conclusion could be that users are willing to register in TWO
TLD Clusters to make sure their 2 SLD.TLD nameservers are located.
This could result in TWO Registry operations, two fees, etc. Some
may see this redundant TLD Cluster as more reliable, if properly

The Dual-TLD-Cluster proof-of-concept work is on-going.
"Proof of Concept TLD Development...and Multiple TLD Clusters"

It would seem in the .BIZ case that TWO TLD Clusters could be
operated and all SLD.BIZ owners would be encouraged to register
with both. In order to do that, they both have to be operational.
People can not register with a Registry that does not exist.

Where are the operational IPv4 .BIZ Registries ?
How many are there ?
Which are the "best-of-breed" ?

Is the U.S. Government publishing the SLD.BIZ names from its
proof-of-concept IP Claims trials on a daily basis ?
Should those names then feed into the .BIZ Registries ?
...to make SLD.BIZ names work...

Are people focused on making SLD.BIZ names work ?

Jim Fleming
0:212 - BIZ World

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