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Re: [ga] [ADMIN] Four Week Suspension of Eric Dierker

Darryl and all assembly members,

 I certainly agree that professionalism should be upheld.  In that vain
I would suggest that to do that it starts with yourself, and/or each
individual.  Some of you attributions below are incorrect and do not
provide the archived links to verify your own attribution of them, very

Dassa wrote:

> |> -----Original Message-----
> |> From: owner-ga-full@dnso.org [mailto:owner-ga-full@dnso.org]On Behalf Of
> |> William X. Walsh
> |> Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 11:21 PM
> |> To: Ken Stubbs
> |> Cc: ga@dnso.org; Jefsey Morfin
> |> Subject: Re[2]: [ga] [ADMIN] Four Week Suspension of Eric Dierker
> |>
> |> Then push for rules to address this, and see if you get enough support
> |> for them.
> |>
> |> Don't use abusive interpretations of the existing rules just to get
> |> rid of things you don't like.
> 2/6/2001 2:26pm
> Through an arrangement reached between Registrar.com and the TLDA (somehow
> linked
> through the 2 GA chair types) you have been further asked never to post to
> this
> list again, because you have been permanently banned for mean and vicious
> comments.
> ********
> Yes I agree pretty stupid, and pretty outlandish. But are they stupid and
> outlandish because of content or because the speakers would never admit to
> such
> truth.
> #####Directed to Mr Williams.
> 3/6/2001 1:28pm
> This is so fun, everyone needs to follow it in the sub list roots.  Come
> on get to work on the sequal movie.
> #####Directed to all members of the GA.
> 3/6/2001 4:36pm
> I was privileged over the last 10 days or so to be listening or actively
> involved with telephone conversations with many of the biggest
> registrar-marketers of domain names in the world.  They are lousy.
> #####Directed to Bruce James
> 3/6/2001 6:25pm
> ICANN is the little Dutch boy's finger in the hole in the dike. ICANN
> is not even the little dutch boy. You build it and we will come!!
> #####Directed to Mr Morfin.
> 6/6/2001 2:10pm
> Yes, gaggle or herd! Flock comes to mind and so does pod!
> #####Directed to the members of the GA.
> 7/6/2001 1:06pm
> I question authority and yet when it serves the people I give
> accolades.  We all know your style Uncle Younger Please let us prepare
> for when you drop your dramatic bombshell of revelations of what
> occurred in the land of the Great Queen.
> #####Directed to the members of the GA.
> Whilst I haven't looked at the posts mentioned in the suspension notice,
> looking at a few of the posts by Eric at the beginning of the month shows a
> very clear pattern of posting that does not follow the rules of the list.
> The rules state:
> - The messages must be relevant to the business of the GA
> - The messages must observe a minimum of decorum, including:
>   - Not indulging in personal attacks, insults or slander
>   - Not using offensive language.
> Personally I find the majority of Eric's posts do not meet a minimum of
> decorum.  I support the suspension, if not the criteria posted by the
> Monitors in reaching their decision.
> Although a lot of Eric's posts are tongue in cheek, they are not of a
> standard acceptable to any list attempting to present a professional and
> capable image.
> If the GA is to be taken seriously, a professional image must be maintained
> and any rules enforced.
> Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
> --
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> Send mail to majordomo@dnso.org to unsubscribe
> ("unsubscribe ga" in the body of the message).
> Archives at http://www.dnso.org/archives.html


Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman for INEGroup - (Over 118k members strong!)
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
E-Mail jwkckid1@ix.netcom.com
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