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Re: [ga] Re: [ga-rules] Proposal for a Buddy Sytem for new members

on 6/21/01 12:10 PM, Jefsey Morfin at jefsey@wanadoo.fr wrote:

> I fully support that excellent proposition with some additions:

Thank you for your support. I must acknowledge Eric, since this proposal is
related to his Mentor proposal on the ga-rules list, the difference being
the specific purpose of the Buddy System is to foster good relationships
with new members. 

> - did I sent you more than .. let say 20 private mails? (And because we
> worked together at that time on the Centers of Interest) ... You so much
> upset me that I did stop quick and put you on filter :-)  Actually, you
> were a so promising new comer (with Sotiris, Eric, Danny..) that I did some
> buddying with you. Will never do it again! :-)

We both understand what happened, and it is true, your private
communications did much to improve my understanding of the issues. Thank

There is a difference between what I am proposing and what you like to do.
The purpose of the Buddy Program is to foster understanding, not use it as a
political platform.

Of course, we can assume that new members are bright enough to know the
difference should that occur and thank you for volunteering....:-)


> - I proposed Patrick several time to stop promoting his ML for debate and
> to use them for self education (except ga-rules which can be of use would
> he chair it). Just a place for people to explain what they stand for, why
> they support an opinion. No debate. The subjects could make a hood thesaurus.
> - your points make a good FAQ list interested people could certainly
> comment with some humor. This is a very good suggestion.
> Jefsey
> On 17:41 21/06/01, Joanna Lane said:
>> Eric et al,
>> As Dassa has said, all societies have rules. You just cannot let the crazies
>> go round murdering and thieving. The problem is that our rules are made to
>> be applied even handedly across the board, but we are all individuals and
>> not only must the punishment fit the crime, it must fit the offender.
>> We are naive to think our rules can be anything other than unfair. To be
>> fair, we must have all the same components of a real life justice system in
>> coping with all situations. The answer is not simply to create more rules,
>> or to abolish them altogether.
>> Personally, I am more interested in prevention rather than cure. If the
>> minimum standards of decorum are abused, I just ignore it, or use the
>> filter, but the gut reaction of many, particularly new colleagues, is to
>> leave. I would like to see steps taken to foster good relationships with new
>> members and the following is one proven way of assisting that process.
>> The one system I do think works well in real life groups in our society is
>> the Buddy System, whereby those who join a school, club or firm etc., spend
>> the first hour, day, week, or month, finding their way around with the
>> assistance of a more experienced colleague, someone to whom they can refer
>> privately to clarify basic questions, someone the watch out for them. There
>> mere fact that a buddy exists would be enough to deter those who would
>> assassinate a new member on a first post. I would offer the Buddy System as
>> a volunteer program, automatically allocated from a pool of volunteer
>> members at the time of joining. Obviously, new members may opt-out.
>> Some of the issues that could be handled in this way without taking up list
>> time would be:-
>> What is the agenda for this list?
>> Do the rules mean blah, blah..?
>> How do I propose a motion?
>> What does that acronym mean?
>> Where is the White Paper?
>> Where can I find more information about blah?
>> Why has Mr. Morfin sent me 100 private emails? (sorry Jefsey, couldn't
>> resist)
>> Who is Louis Touton?
>> Do you think the list would be interested in discussing this issue?
>> etc..etc..
>> I would be happy to help form such a group. Given the number of new people
>> around here, it doesn't seem much of a committment. Any volunteers?
>> Regards,
>> Joanna
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