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Re: Re[4]: [ga] [ADMIN] Four Week Suspension of Eric Dierker

William, Earl,

William X. Walsh wrote:
>There is an appeal process.  Currenlty that is to the Chair. Roberto
>overturned actions, as Patrick did in his acting capacity earlier

I beg to disagree.
I did not overturn decisions, or at least I never meant to do so.
In two cases I used the privilege of the Chair to lift a sanction, an act 
that is more similar to "grace" than to "rule".
IMHO, the Chair does not have the power to overturn List Monitors decisions. 
Otherwise we would have also the possibility of the Chair applying sanctions 
following a complaint that the List Monitors have dismissed.

About the general issue on transparency and public discussions on complaint 
process, raised by Earl and others, I would like to ask a question: "What is 
the core business of the GA?"

IMHO, the GA is not about an experiment of democracy in cyberspace, but 
about a way to provide public input to ICANN on Domain Name issues.

To get some public input in a less than perfect fashion will be to achieve 
some of the purpose. To achieve perfect cyberdemocracy but provide little or 
no input would mean that we have failed miserably.

In practical terms, the more time we dedicate to sociological and 
pseudo-political argumentation, the more the decisions on Domain Names 
issues will be taken without our input. Is this our goal? If yes, fine, 
let's continue, we are on the right track!


> > Public,open and transparent handling of the complaint process is what
> > has been missing, allowing the process to be manipulated by a few, to
> > the detriment of the list.
> > For example
>I don't think that is relevant, really. I used to think that it should
>be mandatory, however I no longer do.  I think the complainant has a
>right to privacy, and I don't see how the identity of the complainant
>is relevant.  The moderator accepts responsibility for the action.
>Disclosure of complainants only leads to further inflammations.
>Best regards,
>William X Walsh <william@userfriendly.com>
>Userfriendly.com Domains
>The most advanced domain lookup tool on the net
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