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Re: [ga] "to represent the unrepresented"

While a lot of useful discussion has been held on the need for some sort of
individuals constituency, in order for the NC to be able to go beyond some
vague form of 'in principle support', it would be helpful for the GA to
develop a concrete proposal which deals with the key issues which have
recently been under discussion on this list:
Constituency Name;
Constituency Objective (mission)
Membership (who is -and is not- eligible);
Funding and organisation.

I think we need to develop a document which sets out the skeleton for a new
constituency and around which consensus can be built.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Joop Teernstra" <terastra@terabytz.co.nz>
To: <ga@dnso.org>
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 12:54 PM
Subject: [ga] "to represent the unrepresented"

> Some of you may get this twice, but I did not get this posting back from
> the list after 24 hours, so I post again.
> At 09:38 6/08/01 +0200, Philip Sheppard wrote:
> >Please send me one document based on previous GA discussion which
> >the rationale for an Individuals constituency together with information
> >the level of support and dissent for the proposal. On receipt I will
> >this for discussion with the task force.
> The rationale for the Constituency was presented to the GA in Santiago in
> the form of a presentation.
> I will list the catchphrases, which made up the core of the presentation,
> for the Chair's benefit.
> Rationale for  the Individuals' Constituency:  To represent the
> Domain Name Regulation is proposed without the voting participation of the
> regulated.
> We are needed in the DNDSO to provide balance.
> The Internet *is* about Individuals.
> The current DNSO, without the (already then) proposed Individual Domain
> Name Holders' Constituency, is the result of the Singapore compromise to
> accommodate the IP lobby. This was wrong.
> Individual Domain Name Holders are stakeholders: they have a personal
> They make up a large percentage of the total Registrants.
> Our participation in the GA and the workgroups is useless, if we do not
> have a representative to vote for us on the Names Council.
> The level of support and opposion to an Individuals' Constituency is best
> illustrated by the Yokohama GA vote on the issue: 65 (corrected) FOR and 3
> --
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