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Re: [ga] "to represent the unrepresented"

On Wed, 8 Aug 2001 16:52:40 +0800, "erica" <erica.roberts@bigpond.com>

>While a lot of useful discussion has been held on the need for some sort of
>individuals constituency, in order for the NC to be able to go beyond some
>vague form of 'in principle support', it would be helpful for the GA to
>develop a concrete proposal which deals with the key issues which have
>recently been under discussion on this list:
>Constituency Name;
>Constituency Objective (mission)
>Membership (who is -and is not- eligible);
>Funding and organisation.
>I think we need to develop a document which sets out the skeleton for a new
>constituency and around which consensus can be built.

The ideal place to have done this would have been the wg-review list
but it got closed down with all due respects by the Names Council.

I have been assuming the the review taskforce would come up with
proposals in this area which the GA and others would give feedback on.

There is a real chicken and egg situation here in that the "rules"for
how to get a Registrants constituency keeps changing.  

Petition the Board - didn't work

Ask the Names Council - didn't work, says it is a Board decision only

Propose it as part of wg-review - consensus ignored

Motion at the Board - Board says Names Council should make a

Work through Review Taskforce - now feedback is the GA should be
formulating a detailed proposal.

Is it any wonder nothing at all has happened.   IMO there must be two
stages to the process.  The first is that either the NC or the Board
should give approval in principle that there should be a Registrant's
Constituency in the DNSO.  This is not a complex matter and to date
no-one has managed to argue why individual registrants should not in
principle have the same rights as business registrants and
organisation registrants.

*If* such approval in principle is given with perhaps a deadline for a
detailed proposal then a detailed proposal you shall have.  Myself and
many others will spend dozens of hours on coming up with a superb
proposal.  However what motivation is there to do so when previous
attempts have all ended in nought.

ICQ 29964527
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