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RE: [ga] Re: Documentation request

But this is precisely the futile game that has been played before. 

Other DNSO constituencies consist of a tiny number of groups,
none of which are broadly "representative" of the groups they
symbolically claim. There are, for example, millions of businesses,
large and small, but mostly less than 10, perhaps a maximum of 15
organizations are active in the B&C constituency. Just to avoid 
any recriminations, let me hasten to add that the same is 
true of NCDNHC. There are millions of noncommercial entities in
the world, but only about 30 organizations are routinely active
in DNSO. There are millions of trademark holders, but the same set of
individuals representing a few major lobbying gfroups are active
in IPCC. The simple fact is that domain names, at $35/year or less,
don't enter the radar screens of too many people.

Who is to determine who "represents" individuals? You, Roberto?
A group of Board members, 4 of whom were never elected by 
anybody, 9 of whom were elected with grand totals of 5 votes, 
10 votes? 

What you are telling me is precisely that such subjective and 
highly politicized criteria will indeed be applied again. Now why
should anyone go to the enormous trouble to organize a
constituency knowing that? 


>>> "Roberto Gaetano" <ga_list@hotmail.com> 08/13/01 03:13PM >>>
Milton Mueller wrote:
>The self-organization took place back in Spring 1999.
>An IDNO organization has been around since then, the
>powers that be just didn't like the people behind it.
>Can we agree that when _another_ such proposal comes
>before the NC that it will be treated less politically?

I don't know about "the powers that be", but speaking for myself I don't 
have problems with the "people" behind the proposal as individuals, but with 
their lack of representativity of the population they claim to speak for, 
together with the lack of capability to aggregate new forces and new 
You rightfully mention that the proposal has been floating around for 2+ 
years, and in fact the numbers behind it have not grown substantially.

Until we are not able to present a proposal that can have the support of a 
substantially higher population (by involving consumer organizations, user 
groups, other individuals) "the powers that be" will have at least a good 
excuse for not recognizing the constituency.


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