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RE: Re[2]: [ga] Re: GA/DNSO Funding

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Some comments.

I am passing the hat around, this was originally announced to the GA
some time ago, since an IC is not yet in existence this is the only
fund that I know of so far.  If someone can point me to a more
'legitimate' hat I'll dump the money in.

On e-gold.  It's not denominated in US dollars but in actual gold,
this makes small transfers and multiple currencies a lot easier.  It
gets used fraudulently just like any other money.  I make no secret
of who I am, I may not be perfect but pinching money is not one of my
faults.  I live in Australia, sending bank wires would get expensive,
will anyone in the US step forward with a place to put cash in?

On routing numbers.  I have a group of people that exchange e-gold
for local currencies, one of them has too much gold and has offered
the use of his account to facilitate easy donations.  Jeff has
brought this up before to me as a requirement, but I do not have a US
bank account, routing details can be provided but as it is only
temporary (till he gets rid of $US750 worth) there is no point in
making those details public.  

Why me.  I saw the need for someone to do so, I have asked for others
to step forward as backups to access this account in case anything
happens to me.  I am more than happy to pass this account onto
someone 'more legitimate'

Impersonation.  I reject a lot of spam to lists I manage, someone is
having their revenge. Gratefully PGP solves this problem, because the
cops refuse to do anything.

Treasurer.  Good idea, I think some ad-hoc funds should be available
and could come in handy.  I move that the GA select someone to look
after any hats with money in them.

	cya,	Andrew...

PS: Jeff  you seem to have my address blocked, if you want to donate
let me know and I will contact you by another address with routing
numbers if you can't unblock this one.

- -----Original Message-----
From:	NameCritic [SMTP:watch-dog@inreach.com]
Sent:	Thursday, September 06, 2001 11:13 AM
To:	William X Walsh
Cc:	ga@dnso.org
Subject:	Re: Re[2]: [ga] Re:  GA/DNSO Funding

I did ask. I'll phrase it any way I like and do question the gold
fund as an
alternative. I have the right to ask the legitimacy of it since more
just my questions have been raised.

I also have seen nothing about forming a proper organization and
having an
elected board who include a treasurer who collects funds for the
organization. Simply collecting donations without it CAN be illegal.
I did
not say it WAS illegal.

I also asked to be corrected if I am wrong. I don't remember asking
to be
chastised and didn't follow anyone's leads. The questions were my own
some were from the news media.

Chris McElroy aka NameCritic

- ----- Original Message -----
From: "William X Walsh" <william@userfriendly.com>
To: "watchdog" <watch-dog@inreach.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 9:59 PM
Subject: Re[2]: [ga] Re: GA/DNSO Funding

> Tuesday, Tuesday, September 04, 2001, 9:36:05 PM, watchdog wrote:
> > Sorry. I would have to know a lot more about Andrew before
> > sending any money. Why is someone trying to impersonate you? Why
> > isn't there a 
> > number? Who authorized this fund? Who assigned him as Treasurer
> > of this fund?
> Who's been listening to JW and reading much more into things than
> are there?
> Obviously you don't know the history, rather than picking up the JW
> slamming and continuing it, when you don't know the person
> involved, perhaps you should have asked a few questions about the
> subject rather than posting an inflammatory email where you
> question his ethics.
> Do yourself a favor, filter out the JW noise and don't let him
> effect your reactions.
> --
> Best regards,
> William X Walsh <william@userfriendly.com>
> Userfriendly.com Domains
> The most advanced domain lookup tool on the net
> DNS Services from $1.65/mo

- --
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