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Re: [ga] Status of the Review Task Force

On 18:53 07/09/01, Kent Crispin said:
>And to the extent that an alternate TLD becomes mainstream
>enough to matter, it will be forced to adopt a standard DRP as well

Actually, I am interested. I have contacted the WIPO - probably at a wrong 
place - several times. I would be glad if you could point someone to me. 
The TLDs I am to talk about do fall into the "mainstream" category.

The problem is what do you call a standard DRP?

The main UDRP problem is that it is a substitute to an US procedure. Should 
NSI move to Paris,  London or Tokyo, the UDRP would probably become 
meaningless because it addresses a problem that the local law would 
probably not consider in the same way. You find this problem with the ccTLDs.


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