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RE: [ga] Position Paper for your consideration

|> From: Joop Teernstra [mailto:terastra@terabytz.co.nz]
|> Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2001 7:09 PM

|> In principle I would support such a move, one that would 
|> bring back the 
|> Working Groups, but once again, can such WG's get moral 
|> authority and an 
|> incentive to do the work, when nobody gives them (top down) 
|> real authority?

Hello Joop,

This is, IMHO, the fundimental question. We have now had a few years of lack
of authority. There are many easy rationalizations whereby authority can
continue to be withheld (Lord knows, there is enough evidence in the
archives). Expect that no amount of counter evidence will lead to the
assignation of such authority. It is simply not in the interest of the
current power clique. The fact that the GA exists at all is a testiment to
the power we have all brought here from the IFWP process. However, that was
a censession that was grudgingly given. They will not give the DNSO anymore
power than they absolutely have to.
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