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RE: [ga] Re: Recall of GA Chair

If William had made the deadline, would it still be on the agenda.
Considering the William seems to be the only one supporting that request?

|> -----Original Message-----
|> From: Joanna Lane [mailto:jo-uk@rcn.com]
|> Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 11:23 PM
|> To: Peter de Blanc; 'Jeff Williams'; 'Joop Teernstra'; Paul M. Kane;
|> Philip Shepard
|> Cc: ga@dnso.org; agenda@dnso.org
|> Subject: [ga] Re: Recall of GA Chair
|> On a point of order, item 8, Recall of GA Chair, should not 
|> be included as
|> an Agenda item for the Oct 11 NC meeting as this item was 
|> submitted too late
|> to the Intake Committee - 17 days prior to the next meeting, 
|> which is less
|> than the 21 days required by its adopted rules.
|> The basis for this item's inclusion on the NC agenda item 
|> would appear to
|> amount to a single complaint by one person of the GA. To use Philip
|> Shepard's own words to the Intake Committee regarding NC procedures,
|> "Remember, each agenda will have a hyperlink to the e-mail 
|> input for that
|> agenda, so anyone can follow the correspondence if they want 
|> to spend the
|> time." 
|> http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/nc-intake/Arc00/msg00056.html. There
|> are no hyperlinks for this agenda item because there has 
|> been no e-mail
|> input and therefore, no matter how much time NC members may 
|> be willing and
|> able to put into it, it would be a complete waste of their time.
|> For your further information, the e-mail history is as follows:-
|> On Sept 23, William X Walsh posted a comment to the General 
|> Assembly mailing
|> list requesting a recall of the GA Chair position, copied to 
|> the NC Chair.
|> On Sept 24, Philip Shepard forwarded the aforementioned 
|> comment by William
|> Walsh to the Intake Committee mailing list.
|> http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/nc-intake/Arc00/msg00306.html.
|> On Sept 26, Philip Shepard posted a draft agenda for Oct 11 
|> NC meeting, in
|> which Recall of GA Chair appears as item 8.
|> http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/nc-intake/Arc00/msg00309.html. In
|> consideration of recent events and priorities dictated by 
|> the same, serious
|> consideration of the Intake Committee was not given to this 
|> late addition.
|> On Oct 1st, Philip Shepard instructed the Secretariat to 
|> announce the NC Oct
|> 11 meeting agenda, including item 8.
|> http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/nc-intake/Arc00/msg00312.html
|> Regards,
|> Joanna Lane
|> --
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