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[ga] Re: Recall of GA Chair

On a point of order, item 8, Recall of GA Chair, should not be included as
an Agenda item for the Oct 11 NC meeting as this item was submitted too late
to the Intake Committee - 17 days prior to the next meeting, which is less
than the 21 days required by its adopted rules.

The basis for this item's inclusion on the NC agenda item would appear to
amount to a single complaint by one person of the GA. To use Philip
Shepard's own words to the Intake Committee regarding NC procedures,
"Remember, each agenda will have a hyperlink to the e-mail input for that
agenda, so anyone can follow the correspondence if they want to spend the
time." http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/nc-intake/Arc00/msg00056.html. There
are no hyperlinks for this agenda item because there has been no e-mail
input and therefore, no matter how much time NC members may be willing and
able to put into it, it would be a complete waste of their time.

For your further information, the e-mail history is as follows:-

On Sept 23, William X Walsh posted a comment to the General Assembly mailing
list requesting a recall of the GA Chair position, copied to the NC Chair.

On Sept 24, Philip Shepard forwarded the aforementioned comment by William
Walsh to the Intake Committee mailing list.

On Sept 26, Philip Shepard posted a draft agenda for Oct 11 NC meeting, in
which Recall of GA Chair appears as item 8.
http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/nc-intake/Arc00/msg00309.html. In
consideration of recent events and priorities dictated by the same, serious
consideration of the Intake Committee was not given to this late addition.

On Oct 1st, Philip Shepard instructed the Secretariat to announce the NC Oct
11 meeting agenda, including item 8.

Joanna Lane

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