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Re: [ga] IDNO -- SCHMIDNO -- no such thing.

As the Chairman of the initial Steering Committee for the IDNO I can say
unequivicably that there NEVER WAS an IDNO - only Joop Teernstra and his
"Optical Illusion", as he puts it. 

Joop's 'Optical illusion' was to create, unbeknownst to even it's trusting
and duly elected Steering Committee members, a springboard from which he
could launch his campaign to secure himself a seat on the Names Council.

That's why a highly cooperative and harmonious organization called
IDNO/CyberSpace Association incinerated itself in a phenomena known as
the 'Polar Wars', along with assurances from the darkside of ICANN that
there would never be an IDNO as long as Teernstra was IDNO's puppetmaster.

Unfortunately, even then Joop didn't give up the ghost and since then
when he had the opportunity to enjoy overhwelming popular support for
a motion to convert IDNO to an advocacy group he sabotaged that as well as
the only person with the keys to IDNO - on organization which is still
owned and operated in a tyranical fashion by one man with only the facade
of democratic process.

But then again, had Joop embraced this proposal to convert the
IDNO/CyberSpace Association to an advcacy group  - and he was the only
one to oppose this for the most part - he would have guaranteed that he
would never take a seat on the Names Council. Hm......  

Methinks people apply too much time and effort into things which make no
difference in the grand scheme of things. ICANN, much like racial
prejudice, happens to be one of those problems that eventually ceases to
exists once people stop feeding it with their power of thought.

By debating the insignificant you give rise to its power - by lacking to
acknowledge it's illegally and felonious so-called authority you
emasculate it. My advice would be to build something better instead of
this futile attempt to reform an organization that from its very inception
was designed to be the antithesis of a free Internet. Lord knows you've
all expended enough effort to perform this task ten times ;)

For usurpation to succeed it demands the attention and acknowledgement of
those it threatens to subjugate under it's tyranny. You are attempting the
coronation of a destroyer of people. You might consider tattooing 666
backards on your foreheads so you can remind yourselves whenever you brush
your teeth.


# ICANN to TLD Holder: Yes we think an illegal lottery is an excellent
# way to extort moneys, and we give you permission to engage with it.
# BTW, you do know that by giving you permission we absolve ourselves 
# from any wrongdoing as a result of conspiring and commiserating with
# you in this felonious act, don't you? 

Bradley D. Thornton
Chief Technology Officer
The PacificRoot/Joint Technologies Ltd.

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