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[ga] Re: Task Force appointees

On Mon, 15 Oct 2001 17:58:42 EDT, DannyYounger@cs.com wrote:

>The General Assembly needs to provide a representative to the NC Structure 
>Task Force.  As this particular TF has already convened, it is appropriate, 
>in this instance, for the Chair to appoint a representative (as an election 
>process can take several weeks to complete and there is an immediate need for 
>our participation in this particular TF).  Having reviewed the names of those 
>that have declared their interest, I have decided to appoint David Farrar to 
>be our representative.  
>I would ask David to chair a committee tasked with developing the GA's 
>position on ICANN's future structure, and to seek the counsel of those other 
>members that have declared an interest in this area.

In view of the tight time-frame I'm happy to represent the GA on the
Structure Taskforce and to work towards a consensus position

I seek input as to where is the best forum to gather a consensus
opinion.  We could set up a dedicated mailing list, or use one of the
GA sub-lists or even use the GA itself recognising that this area is
one where almost all participants have an interest.

ICQ 29964527
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