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Re: [ga] icannworld.org


My messages are being blocked or something.

This is the fifth copy I'm sending to the GA ML.

Please forward the below, if necessary.



Joop Teernstra wrote:

> On 09:07 13/11/01 -0800, William X Walsh said:
> >Tuesday, Tuesday, November 13, 2001, 8:53:16 AM, Sandy Harris wrote:
> >
> > > I find myself wondering about the line on www.icannworld.org's front page:
> >
> > > " This site is sponsored by the General Assembly of ICANN's Domain Name
> > > " Supporting Organization
> >
> > > Is that true? Can someone point me to the record of the GA deciding to
> > > sponsor that?
> >
> >You know, I find this rather amusing.  A person gets a few supporters
> >from a group, and all of a sudden, that group is supporting what they
> >are saying and doing.  At least that is how these people want to
> >present it.
> Some people find this amusing. Others find it tragic.
> A person goes out of his way to help with outreach, overreaches  with
> regards to claimed support, and gets slammed to the point of being stamped
> in the ground.
> Can you please keep in mind that the job of GA Chair is an unpaid job and
> that time and money needed for the job is volunteered.

Joop, that is bull!  I could have cobbled together that
lame, frame-based, sorry excuse for a "website" in under 15
minutes in Dreamweaver!  If anyone thinks differently, I can
prove it for them anytime.  Don't even try to call it an
outreach effort!  That is a sick, pathetic, fcuking joke, so
don't go falling for it.

[If I made any spelling errors... they were intentional!]


Sotiris Sotiropoulos

> Discourage any such volunteering and the only people to "run" the GA are
> the people who get paid, such as the ICANN staff and the secretariat.
> Is that what you want?
> While I am very disappointed about what happended yesterday at the GA
> meeting, with the published agenda suddenly disregarded  and 2 items not
> addressed,  I will not help playing the game of attacking a Chair before
> there is another elected one willing to take over that thankless job.
> I have seen enough of this "amusing" game played in the IDNO for  years now.
> The result is not enough nominees to run a proper election.
> >But unfortunately the Names Council as all too cowardly to step up to
> >their duty under the bylaws and appoint an effective GA chair.
> The idea of an top-down appointed chair would only be acceptable if the
> Names Council itself contained a constituency of Individual Domain Name
> Holders who would have input in such an appointment.
> Others may find that top-down *in itself*  is undemocratic especially if
> the role of Chair is not tightly circumscribed.
> --Joop
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