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RE: [ga] Re: DNSO Constituency Structure

At 00:58 23/11/01 -0800, Roeland Meyer wrote:
>The thing that you guys have both missed is that a DNS zone file publisher
>is also a registrant. MHSC publishes zone files all the way out to the
>fourth level. Many COM registrants also publish SLD and 3LD zone files.
>They're called delegated sub-domains. Guess what, each one that does that is
>a registry for that zone file.

This is true. And this is an area where supply and demand "constituencies" 
naturally overlap.
It is the closed constituency structure that has been forced upon the DNSO 
since ICANN Singapore that is responsible for the polarization and the turf 

How many small DN owners are also TM owners? Why can't they become part of 
the IP "constituency"?
Now the business constituency redefines itself to e-businesses.

The DNSO becomes more lopsided for big biz by the day.

>I think that we're about to confuse operational and business models here.
>There are private and public registries and many are both. Some do it for
>revenue and others do it for internal cross charges. Yet others, are
>charitable organizations (which may soon be broke).
>IMHO, the supply/demand polarized view may not be as accurate a model as
>y'all would like it to be.

Agree. But Patrick is right in starting to look for different parts of an 
equation that can be used to introduce balances.
Do you know a better formula than DN supply/demand?


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