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[ga] Consensus & Names Council Task Forces

On Sat, 24 Nov 2001 23:51:08 EST, Danny Younger wrote:

> Chuck Gomes writes that "no valid consensus development process
> has ever been put into place."  I find this comment somewhat troubling
> at a time when the Names Council has established a Task Force charged
> with arriving at a binding consensus policy regarding the issue of

Hi Danny

I understand your point but assume you have not detected the illogicality
apparent in your above statement.  If the Names Council has established a
Task Force charged with "arriving at a binding consensus policy" then it can
be seen that one doesn't exist (at least regarding the issue of transfers).

However, I don't think that is what you meant to say.

Of course, Chuck's comments were qualified by the word "valid" and his
argument might simply be that the "consensus policy" lacks integrity.  If
so, I am sure that many on this list would agree with that proposition.

> The last thing that any registrant wants is to have a disgruntled set of
> registrars challenge a consensus determination on this matter and further
> delay efforts at resolution of an ongoing problem.

That sort of scenario has been the inevitable result of any proposal put
before the DNSO.  In fact it is exactly what has caught the various
proposals to develop an "individuals" constituency.  It will also cause
havoc with arguments in favour of a country code Supporting Organisation.

> If Chuck has legitimate concerns regarding the consensus development
> process, now would be the time to air those specific concerns so that
> we can move forward properly and finally put this issue behind us.

I think that was exactly what Chuck was alluding to.

In fact, I would question the validity of the entire Names Council "Task
Force" structure.  Could you confirm, for example, that there are seven task
forces and that you are the GA representative on three of them?

Please also note that I have been only been able to identify a Terms of
in three out of seven instances.  The Task Forces seem to be as follows:

NC New Structure Task Force = Joop Teernstra
TOR http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/nc-str/Arc00/msg00012.html

 NC IDN International Domain Names = Danny Younger

NC Dot Org Task Force = Marc Schneiders

NC UDRP Review and Evaluation = Dan Steinberg

NC Review Task Force = Roberto Gaetano
TOR http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/nc-review/Arc01/msg00000.html

NC Whois Task Force = Danny Younger

 NC Transfer Task Force = Danny Younger
TOR http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/nc-transfer/Arc00/doc00000.doc

Best regards
Patrick Corliss

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