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Re: [ga] Alt.root'ers resorting to spam?

> We chase him around the world and he just keeps popping up other
> places. Like Leah said, one day he'll run out of ISP's. 
> FYI: ADNS has a trademark on '.USA' and no its not prohibited
> to get a trademark on a TLD - more ICANN FUD.
> John

Why don't you folks get it?
Maybe you could trademark ".USA" for socks or for toilett paper but not for TLDs.
Same thing with apple or orange: You can trademark apple for computers and orange for a mobile phone company.

Compare this case:

One bad guy wanted to trademark some future premium domain names. He filed e.g. two applications for "sex.shop". One for internet related goods and services ( http://tarr.uspto.gov/servlet/tarr?regser=serial&entry=76031958&action=Request+Status ) and one for 'skin tanning preparations, namely tanning oils' (http://tarr.uspto.gov/servlet/tarr?regser=serial&entry=+76092746&action=Request+Status ).
He won't get the TM for internet related goods and services but he already got the TM for skin tanning preparations, namely tanning oils.
With the TM "sex.shop" for tanning oil (LoL) he wanted to reverse hijack my domain name registered with new.net (I got some threats via e-mail and phone).

But as long as I don't sell tanning oil on www.sex.shop (LoL) I won't lose my domain. ;-)

What should this analogy tell you?
Don't waste your money at the TM office. ;-)

http://nic.pro.xs2.net <-- get your professional dotPRO domain now!
http://nic.info.xs2.net <-- get 100% visibility
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