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[ga] Re: Open Letter to Mr Jeff Neuman from The Internet Challenge

Dear Jeff Neuman and Vint Cerf

My recent correspondence with you has highlighted the actions of some
Registrars who have submitted "single registrant" queues for the .biz
release, and I have asked for guarantees that this anomaly will be totally
cleared up before the Afilias .info Landrush 2.

Now I discover that Afilias seem to be allowing the same thing to happen

I thank Jeff Neuman for his willingness to investigate the .biz problem, but
I call on Vint and ICANN (in liaison with Hal Lubsen and Afilias) to
urgently review Afilias's statement on their website, and guarantee that
Registrar queues will HAVE to be open and available for all members of the

* * * * * * * * * * *

From the Afilias Website/Landrush2/faq:

"It's up to each registrar to set their policies regarding the names in
their queue."

This is a deeply disturbing statement. It seems to be saying: "Registrars
police yourselves. There are no rules."

If Registrars are being told they can set their own policies regarding their
queues, then what is there to stop the SIX Registrars who submitted "SINGLE
REGISTRANT" queues for .biz doing the same all over again (and arguably
being joined by other Registrants)?

If Afilias say "It's up to each registrar to set their policies regarding
the names in their queue" then a Registrar can decide that their policy is
to put all their friends and family at the top of the queue.

Jeff Neuman is displaying proper leadership by engaging in dialogue the
ICANN forum and its representatives. Can we ask Hal Lubsen and Afilias to do
the same and clarify this urgent concern.

The statement at their website is unacceptable.

ICANN need to act here, or they, too, are saying that Registrars can do what
they like and consumers come last.

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