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[ga] Re: Open Letter to Mr Jeff Neuman from The Internet Challenge

This is getting ridiculous. We are now approaching 3000 names that appear to
have been obtained improperly. If the Afilias experience is anything to go
by, the number will rise. It's heading towards 10 per cent of all the .biz
2B names.

What happens to names like those at RegisterNamesHere.com? Do they get
challenged? Do they get deleted? Do they just get ignored and allowed to get
away with it?

What happens to the names that were obtained by Registrars excluding the
Internet Public by submitting exclusive short lists for a single registrant?
Do they just get away with it? Do the names get deleted?

Will there be a .biz Landrush 3 of names that should be withdrawn (because I
believe they SHOULD be withdrawn)?

How could this kind of thing, led by Registrar abuse of the system yet
again, be allowed to happen all over again?

Will ICANN intervene? Will ICANN just accept the ignominy and do nothing?
Does ICANN realise that the DoC is watching this growing disorder?

And will ICANN insist that Afilias review their Landrush 2 rules for
Registrars, to STOP the anomaly of registrars taking the best names for
themselves or their clients?

Is this the way to administer a worldwide resource?

Who protects the consumer?

Where is the integrity?

I hope, Jeff, you will lead by example and display some.

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