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[ga] Re: [ecdiscuss] DNS independence

Jefsey, John and all,

Jefsey Morfin wrote:

> Dear John,
> I thank you for your response which clarifies a total misunderstanding.
> I quoted a private and very serious letter for a reason you will most
> probably support. I did not realize that out of its context one could read
> the line that wrong. I do apologize for this.
> At 05:56 13/04/02, John C Klensin wrote:
> >Since I have some claim on knowing the situation firsthand, let me
> >reinforce Marilyn's point, and use clearer language.  Your description of
> >the handoff falls somewhere on the scale between "silly" and
> >"offensive".  It is also, independent of your or anyone else's opinions, false.
> Obviously true: this is the whole point.

  Agreed here Jefsey.  Marilyn's comments previously were very
silly and in some circles would be considered "Offensive".  But I believe
that John was making the point that he felt your response was
either "Silly" or "Offensive".  To me anyway this shows a huge
discrepancy in understanding and point of view.  Not surprising
however, which really points up your view, Jefsey and Marilyn's
over indulgence in her comments.

> <snip>
> >As Marilyn says, IAB members, and _especially_ the chair, function as
> >individual experts, independent of the strategies and policies of their
> >companies.  When I was chair, what I brought to the IAB was whatever
> >technical judgement I had on the subjects at hand.

  Yes John you have on a number of occasions.  And you should
be commended for doing so.  However you have also politicized
a number of technical areas as well that need not been politicized,
or would be unseemly to do so.

> <snip>
> BTW, John, I want to take advantage from this misunderstanding which will
> probably make some reading, to publish my respect to your Chairmanship. We
> do not necessarily agree on everything, but I certainly admire the way you
> have known to introduce innovative thinking as a Chair and I thank you for
> that. As you know I certainly look forwards continuing keeping in touch on
> these issues.
> <snip>
> What you say about ATT and Leslie *is* the basis of the point. The point is
> that ATT played it low key and Versign not. This is the important
> information everyone can read and have an opinion on.

  Exactly right.  However nothing wrong or bad with either "Play", as
you put it Jefsey.

> Everyone will fully accept that and you cannot be elected without the IAB
> members first making sure "you/she would have the necessary resources and
> backing to do the job" and that the company paying for that should get some
> return. "ATT steps down" was only retained to acknowledge ATT's support and
> style (I had to carry a Copernic search to know who you worked for).
> Now, read the Verisign PR:
> http://corporate.verisign.com/news/2002/pr_20020402.html !
> <quote>
> VeriSign's Leslie Daigle Named Chair of the Internet Architecture Board
> Mountain View, CA, April 2, 2002—VeriSign, Inc. (NASDAQ: VRSN), the leading
> provider of digital trust services, announced today that Leslie Daigle,
> Director of Directory Research at VeriSign, was selected as the Internet
> Engineering Task Force's (IETF) Chair of the Internet Architecture Board
> (IAB).

  Yes, this PR statement is more of a political one than just a simple
announcement.  A bit of grandstanding if you will...

> </quote>
> I do not feel that this wording fits what you and me, and I suppose most,
> agree upon about the independence of the job. I know PRs are pretty
> standard forms, so the title makes it all.
> Jefsey Morfin

Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman for INEGroup - (Over 121k members/stakeholdes strong!)
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
E-Mail jwkckid1@ix.netcom.com
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