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[ga] Re: [GTLD Registries List] Legal Issues involving .info Sunrise cases


The Golf Shop at Affiliated Golf Club.
Enter Willy Lorenz, a part-time pitch and putter. "Honest" Hal just finished
serving Mr Omega, a regular customer...

HONEST HAL: Yo there boy! What can we do for you?

WILLY: Well sir, if you don't mind, I'd like to book a round of golf...

HONEST HAL: Sure thing, kid. That's what we're here to do... When do you
want it?

WILLY: Um... maybe a fortnight's time... it's not too busy this time of the

HONEST HAL: No, boy, nice n quiet, just the ways we like it! It's members
only this time of the year. Say, are YOU a member?

WILLY: Um, well NO! Absolutely NO!

HONEST HAL: Ha! NOT a member eh? So how many rounds do you want to book?

WILLY: Well I'd like to book 93 rounds please, one round of golf every day
from July 15th to October 1st... I'm trying to improve my game you see...

HONEST HAL: Well son, you came to the right place... now let me see now...
that will be $15000

WILLY: Why thank you kindly sir! Can I ask for a receipt?

HONEST HAL: Receipt boy! Heck no - your money's safe with Honest Hal... safe

HONEST HAL: My pleasure young man, my pleasure!

* * * * * * * * * * * *
two weeks later: Enter Willy Lorenz...
* * * * * * * * * * * *

WILLY: Good day sir, I've come for my golf!

HONEST HAL (scowling): Weeell, ah'm afraid that just won't be possible!

WILLY: Won't be possible? But I paid $15000

HONEST HAL: See son, the problem is, you have to be a member to play at this
club... manager's rules...

WILLY: M..m...manager? And who's the manager?

HONEST HAL: Ha! Why I am! I'm the manager of this whole club!

WILLY: B...b...but ah thought you jist ran the shop?

HONEST HAL: Heck no, that's just a little number I have on the side!

WILLY: But Sir, when I asked if I could play, I distinctly TOLD you I
weren't a member! But if those are the rules, I'll just take my money and I
won't trouble you further...


WILLY: P...p...paid? But what did I pay for?

HONEST HAL: Darned if I know - now skidaddle!

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
In the Clubhouse later.... enter Sir Vintney Cerf...
* * * * * * * * * * * * *

SIR VINTNEY: Hello old chap, what was that riff-raff I saw leaving your shop
this afternoon?

HONEST HAL: What? Who? Oh just some scoundrel trying to rob us of our
hard-earned money!

SIR VINTNEY: The bounder! Well if we have any more trouble from him I'll get
Detective Wipo on the job!

HONEST HAL: Might be a good idea, sir, might be a good idea sir...

SIR VINTNEY: Only, less said the better old boy! You know... we don't want
to rock the boat...

HONEST HAL: Me sir - no I won't say a word...

SIR VINTNEY: Only if word gets out that we're an exclusive club, we'll have
that communist mayor , whaaisname...

HONEST HAL: You mean Mayor Onourback?

SIR VINTNEY: Yes, well, you know the fellow - he'd try to shut us down, or
see our accounts or something...

HONEST HAL: See our accounts!!! We can't have that!

SIR VINTNEY: Quite so my dear fellow, so just make sure you don't take
bookings from riff-raff like that again, alright?

HONEST HAL: Ooooh no sir, Honest Hal's the name, Honest as the day I was

SIR VINTNEY: Excellent, excellent... now let me get you a drink, and tell me
about those Altronic Golf Clubs you've got for sale in your shop...

HONEST HAL: The Altronic Golf Clubs? Why it just so happens I've got a
special offer on those! Lord Lynn's already bought a set! They'll improve
your game no end... TRUST ME....

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