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Re: [ga] WLS referred to the DNSO; WLS & competition

Here's an interesting example of the abuse which Verisign (and others) 
will be able to practice if the WLS is implemented:

I wish to register the doma

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Dickson, Chris  (CD6751 <http://www.netsol.com/cgi-bin/whois/whois?%21CD6751&id=0>)  austin@CDICKSON.NET
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Record last updated on 22-Mar-2002.
Record expires on 20-Jan-2002.
Record created on 20-Jan-2000.
Database last updated on 22-Apr-2002 09:34:00 EDT

*****Expired since January 20th of this year!

Of course, it is possible for me to BACK ORDER this domain through Verisign's SNAPBACK service...

Now, this is evidence of a clear-cut abuse of Verisign's registrar/registry position.  

Perfect example why the WLS schema should not be implemented.


Sotiris Sotiropoulos

in  name  


But, I am unable to do so through my registrar of choice despite the fact that the domain is expired:

inThomas Roessler wrote:

> According to  
> <http://www.icann.org/minutes/prelim-report-22apr02.htm>, the WLS  
> proposal has been referred to the DNSO for comment.
> I'd suggest that the GA tries to dig out those arguments which are  
> actually reliable, and compiles an "official" position, this time.
> Here's one possible argument which hasn't come up, yet, I think.   
> Maybe my thinking is flawed - if so, please point it out.
> Consider any registrar who has hoarded expired domain names.  Such a 
> registrar could wait for WLS subscriptions being made through it.   
> Once a WLS subscription for a hoarded domain name is there, the  
> domain could be relased - and immediately re-registered through the  
> same registrar, due to the WLS subscription.  If a WLS subscription is 
> made through a different registrar, nothing happens.
> Rumor of this could be expected to quickly spread in the community:  
> If you want to back-order a domain name which has expired, but is  not 
> available, go to the old registrar for your WLS subscription.
> Ultimately, this approach to selling off hoarded domain names (which 
> would be economically quite attractive at least to Verisign, and - at 
> sufficiently high WLS prices - possibly also for other  registrars) 
> could lead to a _significant_ increase in the cost for  registering an 
> expired domain.  It would also skew competition  between registrars as 
> far as registrations of these domains are  concerned - effectively, 
> potential registrants would be forced to go to the "old" registrar.
> The conclusion from this scenario is to hold up WLS until the  
> hoarding problem has been solved.

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