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Re: [ga] IANA & the .US Sell-Out

Danny et. al.

Life is not so quick and easy to pass so much judgment.
Keep in mind that we are still in the experimental stages of this great 
adventure commonly refered to as the internet.

I do not disagree with the sentiments expressed here but I also realize 
that we can learn from others mistakes and that I am well pleased that at 
least they move forward and we are allowed to criticize.

I can do it better but as of yet no one has asked me to.


> In his article ".US Sell-Out Begins Tomorrow", Bret Fausett notes that
> the  "usTLD Policy Council" that Neustar pledged to create is not yet
> operational. 
> This begs the question:  How prudent was the IANA's "emergency
> redelegation"  of the .us TLD, and as a matter of policy can we as an
> organization allow for  such redelegations without full and due
> process?  
> Unlike prior redelegations, wherein IANA has held that it is charged
> with  seeking input from persons significantly affected by the
> transfer,  particularly those within the nation or territory which the
> ccTLD has been  established to benefit, this redelegation involved no
> such dialogue with the  American Internet Community.  In this
> particular case, the U.S. Government  dictated to the IANA that a
> relegation was required, and the IANA implemented  such redelegation
> immediately without recourse to standard process.  Would  the IANA bow
> to any such similar demand from any other government entity?   Never.
> The IANA (as noted in ICP-1) will make the view of the relevant
> government  entity "a major consideration in any TLD
> delegation/transfer discussions",  but it is not to be the *only*
> consideration.  
> Having denied the American Internet Community the opportunity to offer
> input  into the process, we are now stuck with an untenable situation
> in which  short, memorable names that truly belong in the public realm
> are now to be  sold off to speculators without the prior benefit of
> appropriate policy  council guidance on the issue.  Had public input
> been requested prior to the  redelegation, many such issues would long
> ago have already been resolved.
> To whom is this IANA accountable?  Can we hold them to due process 
> requirements... or does due process go out the window when the US
> Government  makes its demands?  Is the ICANN Board responsible for the
> IANA decisions?   Can an IANA decision be revoked, or reconsidered? 
> Are there any checks and  balances that pertain to the IANA function,
> or is it empowered to act without  notice-and-comment provisions?  
> Any reform of the ICANN should include a reform of the IANA... either
> we  consistently abide by our policies, or we become a farce to the
> rest of the  world.  Ask any ccTLD manager what they think of such
> "emergency 
> redelegations"...
> --
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