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RE: [ga] Motion asking for GA poll on rebid of ICANN contract

  • To: "John Palmer" <jp@ADNS.NET>, <ga@dnso.org>
  • Subject: RE: [ga] Motion asking for GA poll on rebid of ICANN contract
  • From: "Cade,Marilyn S - LGA" <mcade@att.com>
  • Date: Fri, 3 May 2002 00:24:08 -0400
  • Sender: owner-ga-full@dnso.org
  • Thread-Index: AcHyWP13989s7wZ8R0ueef/nXqkM/AAAUssg
  • Thread-Topic: [ga] Motion asking for GA poll on rebid of ICANN contract

I disagree with the vote and think this a diversion from doing useful work. Marilyn Cade
-----Original Message-----
From: John Palmer [mailto:jp@ADNS.NET]
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 11:54 PM
To: ga@dnso.org
Subject: Re: [ga] Motion asking for GA poll on rebid of ICANN contract

Ok Tom - thats 9 - Whats the magic number?
----- Original Message -----
From: jefsey
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 10:37 PM
Subject: Re: [ga] Motion asking for GA poll on rebid of ICANN contract

I second all this. I suggest that the icannatlarge.com presents this motion to its members and they register on the GA to participate to such a vote. May be a good occasion to have the GA list taking overt the ALSC list to be closed? This a real occasion if everyone shares in it. Like for Plan B.

On 02:14 03/05/02, Joanna Lane said:


Mr. James Love, a member in good standing  of the DNSO's General Assembly, has made a call for action, specifically stating:

 "I move that the GA poll its members, to record its views on whether or not the US Department of Commerce should have an open competition for the services now provided by ICANN. The rationale for asking for a rebid is that ICANN has dramatically changed the initial terms of reference for ICANN, and is proposing even further changes, which have met extensive opposition in the Internet community. The rebid would allow the NTIA to consider alternatives to the current ICANN plan for managing key Internet resources.

The vote should be taken within 10 days."

Seconds: John Palmer, Danny Younger.

Members who have indicated their agreement with taking a Vote:-
  1. James Love (Proponent)
  2. John Palmer (Second)
  3. Danny Younger (Second)
  4. Jeanette Hoffman
  5. Joanna Lane
  6. Sotiris Sotiropoulos
  7. Karl Auerbach
  8. .
  9. .
Members who have indicated their disagreement with taking a Vote:-

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