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Re: [ga] Concerning the upcoming "rebid" vote

Thank you Mr. Walsh for laying out the issue so clearly,

Funny thing that Bravery is, for without its' sister Fear it does not
exist.  One cannot be brave in the absence of fear.  (I know you think
this is all weird but listen)

The GA cannot exist without a self destruct mechanism and the willingness
of the members to use it.

Yes you are right a vote for a rebid is a self destruct vote.  But when
you know that your mere existence is being used to promote an evil and
unjust cause, don't you have a duty to self destruct.

I am not saying I buy into this as I see many potential alternatives where
a rebid makes things a little more in line with the green and white papers
and ICANNs' original promises (yes a contract is a promise).

Let us get behind a vote here William, dang, you and your kind might even
win the vote in opposition to a rebid, holy cow wouldn't that be
something! And if that happens you and I are both validated as doing
something important here.

A vote against a rebid would be great.  If that happened maybe we could
even get some donations to run the GA outreach.


William X Walsh wrote:

> Tuesday, May 07, 2002, 8:29:32 AM, William S. Lovell wrote:
> > Are those descriptions of ICANN?  I ask not by way of what the
> > MOU says, but rather by way of the actual performance of ICANN
> > over the years. If you think ICANN has abided by the MOU and the
> > Green and White Papers, etc., you should probably oppose a rebid;
> > if you think ICANN has not, and has failed in its obligations, you
> > should favor one.
> That is not why someone should vote against this "motion."
> This motion should be voted against because it is an inappropriate use
> of the DNSO General Assembly and would permanently render the GA
> useless as a body.
> Those voting for this motion are really voting for the death of the
> General Assembly.
> You should vote against this motion whether you support a rebid or
> not.
> And if you support a rebid, you should join a coordinated effort to
> get that message out.  You should not let yourself be a party to Jamie
> Love's attempt to try and get a media victory over ICANN by
> embarrassing it with a vote like this in its own DNSO GA, and in so
> doing, rendering the GA permanently ineffective.
> --
> Best regards,
> William X Walsh <william@wxsoft.info>
> --
> Save Internet Radio!
> CARP will kill Webcasting!
> http://www.saveinternetradio.org/
> --
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