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[ga] DNSO Bushwhacked by the registries and registrars

The DNSO requested that ICANN provide necessary funding for Secretariat 
services.  It held a vote and submitted the favorable vote results (14-3) to 
ICANN management:   http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/council/Arc06/msg00517.html

ICANN included the request in its preliminary budget figures.  Now ICANN has 
released the final budget figures... Guess what?  Funding for staff support 
for a DNSO Secretariat as requested by the Names Council is not included.  
Why?  The budget states:  "This request (that was included in the Preliminary 
Budget) was not endorsed by the Budget Advisory Group composed of 
representatives of those constituencies responsible for providing all of 
ICANN's funding."

That says it all.  ICANN only listens to the money-collectors.  Everyone else 
can take a hike.  Registries and registrars can veto the decisions of the 

The budget also refers to a certain "constituency expressing general support 
for the overall budget, but emphasizing their view that greater priority 
should be given to the need for improved contract monitoring and compliance, 
and that lower priority should be assigned to providing funds for the DNSO 
Secretariat (as presented in the Preliminary Budget) or for support of "at 
large" activities."

Here in the US, the Internal Revenue Service collects funds from the 
"stakeholders" (citizens) and yet the IRS does not have any say in how those 
funds are to be allocated.  Why then are we conferring budgetary authority to 
those that merely collect the funding, while we that provide the funding (the 
registrants) are totally denied a role in the process?

ICANN has sold its soul to the commercial interests that prop up its regime.  
The budget makes that clear (again).  This ICANN will never reform.   It has 
been poisoned by a cancer that runs too deep to be cut out.  A re-bid of the 
ICANN contracts is a necessary course of action.
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