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Re: [ga] NC BS

On 19:13 16/05/02, James Love said:
>What do you intend to do about people who register to vote in the GA, and
>are "real", unique persons, who are interested in global DNS policy, and
>follow the GA discussions on via the archives, as many do?  What would be
>the logic of excluding them as GA voting members?  Jamie

exclude them if they do not swear allegiance to the Emperor.

As Elisabeth reminded you, to be on ga-annouce is enough. The need for a 
specific voter registration is only a patch due to the use of two non 
compatible software (majordomo and the voting system). Making an 
constitutional requirement out of it is inept. But this is one of the ways 
the Internet was built. Some now say it is cultural and wil contineu making 
a prerequisite of it for ever. Some still want to ride their horse on the 

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