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Re: Membership criteria - was [ga] NC BS

william@wxsoft.info (Fri 05/17/02 at 09:19 PM -0700):

> > but really, the idea that outreach/input promoted by motion #1 should
> > be spoken of in the same context as (alleged) ballot-stuffing is ludi-
> > crous.
> It's not ballot stuffing, its issue shopping by soliciting voters who
> otherwise are not participants in the process.

well, you've got to start somewhere. specific issues are an excellent 
way to get people involved.

> A "residency requirement" of say 3 months would be an effective way of
> preventing that from occurring, without excluding people for arbitrary
> reasons.

and term limits are an effective way of giving incumbents and fanatics
the boot. but the point is mechanisms of exclusion, not mechanisms of 

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