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Re: Membership criteria - was [ga] NC BS

Friday, May 17, 2002, 9:56:52 PM, t byfield wrote:

> william@wxsoft.info (Fri 05/17/02 at 09:19 PM -0700):

>> > but really, the idea that outreach/input promoted by motion #1 should
>> > be spoken of in the same context as (alleged) ballot-stuffing is ludi-
>> > crous.
>> It's not ballot stuffing, its issue shopping by soliciting voters who
>> otherwise are not participants in the process.

> well, you've got to start somewhere. specific issues are an excellent 
> way to get people involved.

And they are welcome to get involved, that is what such a rule would
encourage.  Get involved on the list, and in 3 months time you will
have earned the right to participate as a voting member.

>> A "residency requirement" of say 3 months would be an effective way of
>> preventing that from occurring, without excluding people for arbitrary
>> reasons.

> and term limits are an effective way of giving incumbents and fanatics
> the boot. but the point is mechanisms of exclusion, not mechanisms of 
> exclusion.

This is not a method of exclusion.   They are simply non-voting
members until they have met the residency requirement.   Why is
requiring them to be a part of the community for a period of time in
advance a bad thing?  Because it prevents you and your type from
trying to advance measures in short time frames by using highly
charged PR in friendly forums just before a vote?

Sorry, but I don't see that as a bad thing.  Encourage them to JOIN
THE COMMUNITY, and be a meaningful participant, not to come to
influence a single issue.  After 3 months, they are full voting
members, and are welcome to participate in all votes.

This doesn't discourage outreach at all, it discourages single issue
outreach that is based on an attempt to influence the outcome of a
vote.  Outreach that is intended to increase the broad and meaningful
participation, which is what we should all be encouraging, would still
be of great use.  Even if the awareness of the outreach is because of
a single issue that they can't influence by pulling a hit and run and
joining only for that single issue.

Where is the downside?

Best regards,
William X Walsh <william@wxsoft.info>
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