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Re: [ga] Re: Membership criteria - compromise

jefsey@club-internet.fr (Sat 05/18/02 at 11:51 AM +0200):

> Would you not accept it?

not now, no. mainly what i see are reform proposals being bandied
around in response to an imagined threat:

     (1) that coincides with adhocratic procedures in the GA to 
         suppress and subvert, hook or by crook, a vote calling 
         for the USG to re-bid;

   + (2) whose only historical substantiation is a vague allegation
         by crispin, who said the watchdogs decided to ignore it
         (note joop's question: and what if the outcome was less to 
         their liking?);

   + (3) which was pretty much proposed by crispin and elicited a 
         surprise cameo by joe sims;

   + (4) with reference to various other maneuverings about public
         participation among NCers, the ALSC and its fallout, etc.

do the math.

if excessive public input is a problem that ICANN needs to deal with,
that's because ICANN's tolerance for public participation is too low.
the task is to lower barriers to entry, not to raise them, imo.

on the other hand, jefsey, i would think that you've made this sug-
gestion with one eye on an alternative that would be both practically 
viable and politically appealing to various non-US interests. i would 
further think that some of those interests might be a little too sus-
ceptible to mike roberts's strangelovian fantasies about 'any old ter-
rorist voting on the DNS.' if that's the case, and barriers to entry
need to be higher than i personally would like, well, we could talk
about that. but we know that any alternative to ICANN will involve 
the same rogues' gallery, so we know that the same antidemocratic ten-
dencies will be chiseling away at whatever might be constructed. there
will be compromises in the future, which is why i think we should be
uncompromising now. not that i'm being uncompromising, mind you.

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