[nc-review] Draft Criteria for new Constituencies
Based on the draft criteria that Axel put together I have done
a small edit and set the criteria in the context of the NC business plan.
I note Milton's objection to the fact this is a higher hurdle than other
constituencies may meet - but that should not invalidate the questions as
relevant. How severely we judge the answers is then the key.
We have the following agenda item on the NC meting next
2. Re-structuring and review
o At
Large report (feedback from previous day) (Marilyn) 20
http://www.atlargestudy.org/draft_final.shtml o Individuals Constituency /link to At Large (Philip) 20 mins o cc SO and implications for DNSO (Peter) 20 mins I plan to introduce this paper as work in progress for this
Any comments / changes - please let me know.
New constituency criteriav1.doc