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[registrars] Revised Draft Position

Attached please find a proposed revised draft position of ICANN
restructuring. The only change that I have made in this proposal is in
connection with the composition of the nominating committee. Although I
respectfully disagree with Rob Hall's recommendation to have two nominating
committees, I have tried to make the existing nominating committee less
Balkanized. Instead of identifying specific interests to be represented in
each of the Board seats, I have tried to elevate the process up a level and
identify sector viewpoints: providers, users, and at-large/government.

Regarding the remainder of Rob Hall's comments in his draft 2 document, I
believe the original/revised draft as approved by the Executive Committee is
more succinct and takes a positive light on restructuring. There is no
shortage of constituencies, organizations, and individuals telling ICANN
what is wrong, what it should not be doing and how it is fundamentally
flawed. Although we share some of these concerns, I believe it is critical
that our position paper be positive beacon to lead other constituencies out
of this restructuring morass.

I will be forwarding to the list other constituency position papers to the
list to see what other people are saying. Based upon my quick review that
the IPC is supportive of major change whereas the business and ISP
constituencies are more in support of revising the status quo.

Best regards,

Michael D. Palage


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