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Re: [wg-c] more on non-shaired gTLDs

At 14:22 20-03-2000 -0800, Kent Crispin wrote:
> > why should new gTLDs be created for potential registrant populations less
> > than 10^5.
>While this seems superficially reasonable, it is in my opinion going at
>things in the wrong direction, and asking the wrong question.  Small
>size of the potential registrant population is a secondary concern, and
>in fact, in the other direction it is a truly bad measure -- we don't
>want to only have TLDs that have potential registrations in the
>multimillions -- that would just create repeats of the .com problem.

Dear Kent:

We may be confusing a "registrY" for a piece of hardware/software.  It 
should be possible for several registries to sit on the same machine, thus 
facilitating having the costs of operation allocated over the whole range 
of gTLDs on the machine.  Each could have fewer than 10^5 SLDs, but still 
be well managed.

CORE has had discussions with LDCs which have not set up their ccTLDs 
because of cost.  The CORE machine(s) could become a RegistrY for some 
gTLDs and the "home" for others.

Regards, BobC