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Re: [wg-review] Re: [cctld-discuss] Comments on review of DNSOby MrPark

> in which country, the user is located. From what I understand, people
> from one part of Britain, have difficulty understanding people from
> another part of Britain, and, that is due to the language used, and,

I'm sorry but you understand wrongly. This is just nonsense.

The major source of difficulties of this nature in Britain arise
between American English and English as she is spoken in England.

'Fag' means 'cigarette', for example, and table(**) means "bring 
to the table" NOT  "take off the table".

But you are directing the discussion away from the point at issue.

An international 'Internet Government', such as ICANN /must/
operate multi-lingually. To do otherwise is cultural imperialism.

Nigel Roberts
Aurigny (Les Iles Anglo-Normandes)

(**) an actual example from ICANN Names Council meeting

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